During the previous year I had begun promoting boxing shows as a way of sharing my shamanic work with my community. I had long before realised that people aren’t generally receptive to this stuff. But I found that by putting on a fight show I could recreate the same passion and magic that the plains Indians achieved with their great tribal dances. Anyhow, I lived in my tent for a month and performed my last great ritual in Sydney before returning to my home town of London.
Upon returning to London I moved back in with my parents and my temptation began. I won’t tell you the details, as I don’t wish to discuss the effects of black magic. What I will say is that I was under psychic attack for a whole year. I would have died many times, if it wasn’t for Abai Gesar Khan and certain other Tenger who helped me. The destructive forces were trying to tempt me into using my powers as a weapon and for personal gain. If I reacted and attacked, they would corrupt me and ultimately possess me.
I firmly believe that it was also the thorough purification process I underwent with the Pathwork that gave me the awareness to survive. Any blind spots in our psyche, any hidden darkness in our souls is seized upon by the destructive powers in an attempt to manipulate us.
At the end of the year I simply collapsed and it was the Christ spirit that entered my body and healed me.
The Temptation